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CHAPTER OFFICER and Director Job Descriptions:

The President is the principle executive officer for the Chapter and shall:

  • Preside at the scheduled membership meetings of the Chapter membership and the Chapter Executive Committee.
  • Exercise general charge of the Chapter officers and directors.
  • Chair the Chapter Executive Committee (The president may not chair any other committees).
  • Act as an ex-officio member of all Chapter committees, but is only empowered to cast a tie-breaking vote for the committee at the committee chairman's request.
  • Act as the primary interface with external organizations and is the Chapter's primary interface to ACP corporate.
  • With events requiring the activation and participation of the ACP within the VEOC (Virginia Emergency Operations Center), act as the primary interface with the VEOC and as available and required, activate ACP membership and manage communications between the VEOC and the ACP membership and participate in the VEOC.

The Chapter Secretary is responsible for recording all Chapter activities and maintaining all Chapter records and shall:

  • Attend and record minutes of all Chapter Executive Committee meetings, board meetings and chapter meetings.
  • In cooperation with the Director of Programming, Membership or whatever director assigned, give, or cause to be given, notice of all scheduled membership meetings of the Chapter as well as the Chapter Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings.
  • Maintain, in current status, the Articles of Association (with ACP corporate and Virginia), all amendments and policies as determined by Chapter membership, the Chapter Executive Committee, and/or the ACP Corporate Board of Directors.
  • Provide an annual statement of the Chapter Executive Committee members to the ACP Corporate Secretary/BFO for filing with such public agencies as required to preserve the ACP Corporate non-profit status.
  • Within events requiring the activation and participation of the ACP within the VEOC, act as a secondary interface with the VEOC in the absence of the President.
  • Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chapter President or Executive Committee or the ACP Corporate Board of Directors.

The Treasurer is responsible for recording all Chapter financial activities and maintaining all financial records and shall:

  • Supervise Chapter financial affairs.
  • Sign any check, draft, or other order of Chapter payment of money. Any check issued in distribution of Chapter funds may be done with one authorized signature as long as two members of the Executive Committee who are not the recipient of the funds have given their approval via signature or email.
  • Prepare monthly financial statements for the Chapter membership, the ACP Corporate Board of Directors and any government reporting in such form and frequency as required.
  • Provide for the custody and safekeeping of all Chapter securities and monies.
  • Provide an annual statement of Sources and Uses to the ACP Corporate Treasurer/CFO for filing with such public agencies as required to preserve the ACP Corporate non-profit status.
  • Within events requiring the activation and participation of the ACP within the VEOC, act as a secondary interface with the VEOC in the absence of the President and Secretary.

Membership Director

  • Retain Chapter membership retention and recruit new members
  • Lead Chapter membership drives
  • Distribute membership applications and ACP "Code of Ethics" forms
  • Maintain the current email distribution list for active Chapter members and non-members who receive meeting invitations
  • Handle registration for all Chapter meeting functions (if the Treasurer cannot do it)
  • Track attendance for validation of CEU credits
  • General member attendance reports for CEU credits for certification purposes, upon request
  • Attend monthly ACP International Membership Director conference calls
  • Program Director (group effort at this time)
  • Conduct surveys to determine topics of interest to the membership
  • Seek out and arrange speakers for monthly Chapter meetings
  • Introduce speakers at meetings and ensure they have what they need to present
  • Present gifts to speakers when available


  • Attend monthly ACP International Information Director/WebMaster meetings (first Tuesday of each month at 11:30ET)
  • Create and maintain a professional-looking website to publicize the Chapter and attract new members (no experience in website design is necessary, but preferred); can use the ACP national free web-hosting service engineered by Joomla!
  • Maintain the website content (the President is the publisher and is ultimately responsible for content)

Seasons of a Program:

Presentation(s) about starting and managing a Business Continuity Program for your business: 

Building a BC Program from the Ground Up

Life Cycle of a BC Program

What is a Mature BC Program

Level Up your BC Program from Good to Great

Business Continuity Job Resource(s):

Bon Secours Careers

DRII Job Search Link

indeed Job Postings

VEMA Employment Link


  About Us

ACP connects and supports a diverse community of resilience and continuity professionals. 

Contact Us

3739 National Drive, Suite 202

Raleigh, NC 27612

(919) 314-6565


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