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  • 2 Aug 2024 3:11 PM | Anonymous

    Weddington joined the ACP in October 2023. Her career aspirations and passions are in the field of resilience and continuity planning. Weddington strongly believes resilience and continuity planning is necessary to strengthen communities and increase their ability to recover from hazards. Her home chapter is ACP DC. Weddington was appointed to the ACP Board of Directors in February 2024 as the Director of Leadership Engagement. In this position Weddington mentors emerging leaders, develops and encourages the implementation of programs and initiatives to attract new people to the field of resilience, as well as collaborate with board members to ensure the success of the ACP DC chapter.

    Additionally, Weddington is also involved in the development team of a new ACP Special Interest Group (SIG) for young careerists. The goal of the new Young Careerist SIG is to mentor early career resilience professionals, connect them to resources within the organization, and provide opportunities for networking. Weddington’s membership in ACP has been extremely valuable. As an active member of ACP she has made strong industry connections within our field through the in person meeting at the DRJ Spring conference, joint chapter meetings, and through the online LinkedIn community. There are also many opportunities for continuous learning through webinars, workshops, and special chapter presentations. The ACP also offers scholarship opportunities for active members. Weddington was honored to be selected as one of the DRJ-ACP Spring 2024 scholarship winners.

    Currently, Senorajoy “Joy” Weddington is a Resilience Planner for the Maryland Office of Resilience (MOR) within the Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM). Weddington has a Bachelor’s of Science in Emergency Management with a minor in Sociology from Millersville University. She is also an Associate Business Continuity Professional (ABCP) certified by the DRII. 

  • 3 Jun 2024 8:12 AM | Anonymous

    Our 11th Edition Crisis Management Study is Live!

    Participate Today to Receive Your Complimentary Report (aggregate report on all study participants) & a Customized Crisis Management Dashboard - Both Coming in September 2024!

    (Customized Dashboards are Available by Industry or Organizational Annual Revenues)


    Participate in Study

    Please share - a better response enhances our assessment for the profession.


    Completely confidential. At a minimum, we will need an email address (may be personal) to send the complimentary report and customized dashboard. We do not need your company name.


    Please ensure that 1 person from your organization who manages Resiliency planning (Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, or Crisis Management) participates unless multiple individuals manage different programs by business units, processes, or program scope.



    BC Management (powered by Witt O'Brien's) is pleased to announce that our 11th Edition Crisis Management Study is live for participation. This study is globally recognized and will be used to assess how organizations prepare for and respond to different crises in addition to program enhancements coming in the new year. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

    As a study participant you'll receive data findings on the following:

    - Impacts to the business operations and personnel

    - Downtime and financial loss by event

    - Lessons learned - what was successful and not successful

    - Executive involvement and oversight

    - Program enhancements to advance resilience management


    Who should participate?

    - Participants must work in Resiliency planning (Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Crisis Management, or Crisis Communications).

    Contract/ Fixed term consultants are discouraged from participating unless they are responding exclusively on behalf of one client. If so, the entire study must be completed on behalf of one client.


    Why participate?

    - Study participants will receive a complimentary report of the study findings and a customized Crisis Management dashboard (a peer assessment based on industry or organizational revenues).

    - BC Management has been conducting BCM data metrics research/ assessments since 2001.

    - The response is immense, driven by the value the results provide.

    - The scope is world-wide, due to our extensive contacts and partnerships.

    - Completely confidential - We will not retain your email address unless you opt-in.  Your contact information is never shared with external parties.


    Please direct any questions to info@bcmanagememt.com. If you participated in a previous study, but didn't receive your corresponding complimentary report, please contact info@bcmanagememt.com.


    Thank you in advance for participating. We look forward to sharing the results.


    Thank you,

    ~ Your BC Management & Witt O'Brien's Team

  • 3 Jun 2024 8:10 AM | Anonymous

    "Hello, fellow members of the ACP! I’m humbled and honored to be part of the ACP Member Spotlight! I serve on our national board as the chair of our newly created Special Interest Group (SIG) initiative. Our SIGs will focus on three industries during 2024: Early Careerists, Healthcare, and Finance/Banking. Forming SIGs facilitates focused collaboration and engagement around areas critical to our industry and the ACP. Please join me on this vital mission, and don’t hesitate to contact me directly if you want to learn more about this initiative and participate in some exciting work! I am also a card-carrying “pracademic” (academic, practitioner, and researcher), constantly diving into topics of interest, including emotional intelligence, business continuity metrics, and racial and ethnic disparities in emergency management. Reach out anytime, and let’s chat!

    There is so much to say when asked what the ACP has meant to me over the years. No other professional organization devoted to business continuity demonstrates a true passion for networking, promotes professional development, and actively encourages member engagement. We have no rivals in these areas! For nearly 25 years, I have had the pleasure to serve as a member, chapter leader, and national board member, and I am just as excited today as I was when I joined in 2005. The ACP continues to promote a community of like-minded practitioners, educators, and researchers eager to share knowledge and push us forward as an industry. The ACP has significantly impacted my professional and personal life through all the evolved connections and friendships I have built and nurtured. I take pride in serving as a national board member and am excited about our trajectory as we continue to promote resilience and business continuity best practices in 2024 and beyond!"

  • 20 May 2024 1:09 PM | Anonymous

    The 22nd Edition Global Compensation Report for Resiliency Professionals highlights how different factors may impact a professional’s earning potential in the Resiliency profession and related disciplines (Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Emergency Management, and Crisis Management). The annual study assesses not only years of experience, job titles, degree, and certifications, but also real-world experience and leadership skills. This complimentary report details key findings and trends for both permanently employed professionals as well as contract/temporary/self-employed consultants within the Resilience Management profession on a global basis. This year’s report highlights several trends and insights that remained consistent with 2023, albeit with a slight downturn in the market.  While the report unveils nuances in earning potential and career trajectories, it also serves as a compass navigating through the currents of the job market for Resiliency professionals.


    • Wage Growth: -2.5% Globally (+2.4% USA, +8.1% UK, and +8.4% Canada)
    • Global Distribution of Annual Base Compensations: $10,000 - $380,000 USD
    • Professionals with an Advanced Degree: 84%
    • Respondents who are Certified: 81%
    • Changed Jobs in Last Year: 27% (12% New Company)
    • Unemployment Rate for BCM Profession: 2%


    A complimentary copy of this report is available at https://www.wittobriens.com/resources/22nd-edition-global-compensation-report.  Please feel free to download and share with others.

    Seeking data tailored to your peer group (by job title or years of expertise)? Confidentially participate in this study (by November 30th) to unlock your customized dataset.


     Tap into this data to benchmark your earning potential and elevate your marketability.

  • 5 May 2023 2:14 PM | Anonymous

    ACP and DRJ are pleased to announce a joint Scholarship opportunity exclusively for ACP Members. This collaboration is open to any ACP Member who could benefit from attending a DRJ Conference but currently may be too much of a financial burden. The Scholarship itself is a “needs based” complimentary DRJ Conference Pass. All you need do to qualify is to apply and tell us why attending DRJ is important to you and, in general, why you qualify as “needs based.” Your application will be held in strict confidence and will not be made public without your express permission.

    Who is eligible to apply?

                Any ACP Member in good standing. This includes an individual Corporate Member, Student Member and Retiree Member.

    When is the application deadline?

                June 1, 2023.

    When will I be notified if my application has been approved?

                June 8, 2023.

    What are the details of the Scholarship?

                One complimentary DRJ Conference pass for DRJ Fall 2023. It does not include transportation, hotel, or other expenses.

    Where should I send the application?


    What should be included in the application?

                A few paragraphs on why attending DRJ is important to you. This might include good networking opportunities for your career, making connections to people who can help you with your career challenges or Sessions that could enhance your professional resume. As this is a “needs based” Scholarship, please also include a brief explanation of why you should be eligible as well as two references from colleagues or fellow ACP members who support your desire to attend.

    Finally, ACP will ask the winner(s) to write a brief trip report on their DRJ conference experience and permission for ACP and DRJ to publish it post conference.

  • 3 Apr 2023 3:18 PM | Anonymous

    Dear ACP Members:

    It gives me great pleasure to share with you this report detailing the activities, accomplishments, and challenges during 2022 as well as the strategic direction of your Association as we enter our 40th year in 2023. This also gives me an opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to your national board of directors, our committee members, and most importantly our chapter leaders all of whom played a major role towards ensuring our organization will continue to serve as the preeminent voice of the continuity profession for many years to come.

    Like most non-profit associations, ACP faced a variety of unprecedented challenges during 2020 and 2021 both on a national as well as a chapter level. The pandemic initially resulted in a nearly complete halt to the value-added benefits our members depend on and which form the basis of our Vision and Mission, namely, networking and professional development. As we entered 2022 your national leadership recognized that strategic changes were needed to assist in our recovery and long term sustainability.

    The Road to Recovery, Viability, and Relevance

    The first step in this recognition process was the creation of a short-term action plan late in the first quarter of 2022. This call to action included:

    • Re-establishing ACP’s operational structure.

    • Developing a one-year strategic plan.

    • Restoration of the Association’s financial viability.

    • Creation of a membership growth and retention program.

    • A renewed focus on establishing non-dues revenue sources.

    • Expansion of value-added services with priorities on professional development and networking.

    • Providing increased support and enhanced communications to our network of 30 chapters.

    Internal Operations

    Following several months of needs assessment, ACP contracted with Raleigh, NC-based First Point Management Resources on May 1, 2022. FPMR is one of the most admired association management companies in North America and is accredited by the AMC Institute. Fewer than 90 association management companies in the world have achieved this accreditation. A revised scope of work was completed which resulted in a significant reduction in the cost associated with this service. A transition committee comprised of national and chapter leadership and FPMR representatives completed this changeover in what can only be described as unprecedented from the standpoint of the length of time it took to successfully accomplish.

    Your Voice Was Heard

    In April the association forwarded a series of surveys to our current members, past members, chapter leaders, and the national board of directors. The findings from these surveys created a foundation for a two-day strategic planning session in June which included ACP’s board of directors, an external association management consultant, and three of our chapter leaders. These meetings resulted in the creation of the following Key Results Areas (KRA’s):

    • Ensure that ACP has the appropriate technology to increase efficiency and usability to enable us to meet our mission.

    • From a finance and operational perspective, the national leadership shall ensure transparent, accurate, and professional governance of its internal and external operations.

    • Create meaningful, sustainable, and measurable connections through engagement across the membership of ACP.

    • Reinvent the professional relationship between chapters and the national organization to ensure membership value and the long-term success across all of ACP.

    • Design and implement a diverse professional development program as a way for our members to expand their knowledge base.

    The strategic plan also included a revised Mission Statement:

    ACP connects and supports a diverse community of continuity and resilience professionals.

    Your leadership is pleased to report that significant progress on the achievement of these KRA’s was made as 2022 came to an end and that the 2023 Key Results Areas are being finalized and will be shared with the membership shortly.


    Recognizing the importance of transparency as these new objectives were launched I took the opportunity, along with several national board members, to deliver monthly reports to the Chapter Presidents Council. In addition ACP updates were given during the DRJ Spring and DRJ Fall Conferences as well as individual meetings with nine chapter leadership teams. These sessions were overwhelming positive and, in the case of the chapter presentations, resulted in a significant increase in the relationship between the national organization and our chapters which, as we all know, are the lifeblood of our organization.


    This report also provides an opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and that of the membership for the incredible progress made by our committees during the year. Without their dedication and focus on the future we certainly could not have accomplished what we did in 2022 and what we will accomplish in 2023.

    Those committees include:

    • Professional Development

    • Technology

    • Chapter Relations

    • Chapter Development

    • Marketing

    • Strategic Partnerships

    • Finance


    While the financial results for the year ending December 31, 2022 resulted in a small net loss for the Association this loss was primarily related to non-recurring expenditures associated with the transition in association management companies which was fully anticipated and planned for. As we entered 2023 overall cash flow was strong and the Finance Committee submitted a fiscal year budget to the board of directors which reflected a positive bottom line. The Committee will be meeting on at least a quarterly basis this year to ensure that attention is given to any and all variances to our financial projections.

    On the one year anniversary of our contract with FPMR we anticipate that our positive financial projections will allow us to expand upon the scope of work which will result in both increased and enhanced services from our association management company. As always, our focus will be on utilizing our financial resources to best serve you, our members, and to provide the value added benefits you have come to expect from ACP.

    2023 Focus

    As previously referenced, your national leadership team is finalizing our objectives for 2023 and we look forward to sharing those with you shortly. I’ve detailed below a short overview of what you might expect to see this year:

    • Continued improvements in the utilization of technology to best serve our members and the business continuity community.

    • Structured efforts to attract new members and retain those we currently have.

    • Enhanced communications both internally and externally with an increased focus on social media.

    • Ongoing support of our chapter network including regular training opportunities for their leadership teams.

    • Identification of geographic areas which would support the development of new chapters and recruiting volunteers to lead these efforts.

    • A return to live events on a regional basis.

    • Diversification of revenue sources with increased emphasis on non-dues revenue generation.

    • Creation of programs such as internships and mentoring to support the future of our profession.

    In closing, it has been an incredible honor to serve as ACP’s chairman over the past year and somewhat humbling that your national board of directors chose me to serve a second term in 2023. You have my commitment that my focus, and that of the board members, is on continuing our progress towards enhanced relevancy and future success. As always, please feel more than free to reach out to me and your leadership both nationally and locally with your thoughts, concerns, and valued input. And finally, thank you for being champions of individual and community resiliency.


    Michael “Giff” Gifford

    Chairman of the Board

  • 1 Apr 2023 3:42 PM | Anonymous

  • 29 Mar 2023 9:31 AM | Avery Church (Administrator)

    If you are new to the world of continuity, you may eventually begin seeking advice on how to be the best planner you can be. The gathering and use of advice is the secret sauce the creates many successful people.

    In this case, starting a new profession can be both exciting and overwhelming. You are trying to learn the ins and outs of your job, impress your colleagues and superiors, and establish yourself in your new workplace. While it may be tempting to focus solely on your job responsibilities, it is important to remember the value of being a nice person when you are new to a profession.

    Being a nice person can make a significant impact on your success in continuity. Here are some reasons why:

    • Building relationships: When you are new to a profession, it is important to build relationships with your colleagues. Being friendly and approachable can make it easier for your colleagues to connect with you, and it can help you build a strong network within your workplace. This principle applies to others that you may interact with. Building relationships can also help you learn about your job, as your colleagues can offer you advice and guidance as you navigate your new position.
    • Improving teamwork: Please believe me when I tell you this: continuity requires teamwork. Being a nice person can improve your ability to collaborate effectively with your colleagues. When you are friendly and supportive, your colleagues are more likely to want to work with you, which can help you achieve your goals more quickly and efficiently.
    • Enhancing your reputation: Your reputation is important, especially when you are new to a profession. Being nice can help you establish a positive reputation in your workplace. Your reputation is what gets you into places you need to be. Your colleagues and superiors are more likely to view you as a collaborator and someone who is easy to work with if you are friendly, kind, and respectful.
    • Increasing job satisfaction: When you are new to a profession, it can be challenging to adjust to your new job and workplace. Being a nice person can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your new position. When you have positive relationships with your colleagues, it can make your work environment more enjoyable, and it can increase your overall job satisfaction.

    In summary, being a nice person when you are new to a profession can have a significant impact on your success. It can help you build relationships, improve teamwork, enhance your reputation, and increase your job satisfaction. So, as you embark on your new job, remember the importance of being friendly, approachable, and respectful. Your kindness can go a long way in helping you succeed and will give a good name to continuity planners and managers around the world.

  • 14 Mar 2023 4:13 PM | Avery Church (Administrator)

    Many headlines for the past few days have been focused on the happenings at Silicon Valley Bank and the resulting contagion within the financial industry. I believe this to be a fitting time to bring my career and one of my favorite movies onto the same plane. The career is business continuity, and the movie is “Margin Call”.

    For those of you they have suffered the indignities of not watching this work of art, ​​"Margin Call" is a 2011 movie that tells the story of a group of employees at a Wall Street investment bank who discover that the firm's holdings of mortgage-backed securities are on the verge of causing a catastrophic financial collapse.

    As it relates to what we all do as professionals, there are several takeaways in this movie. In general, ​the movie highlights the importance of crisis management, a key component to a continuity capability, in several ways:

    • ​Identifying the crisis: The first step in crisis management is to identify that a crisis exists. In "Margin Call," the crisis is identified by one of the risk management employees who discovers that the firm's mortgage-backed securities portfolio is much riskier than previously thought. A key aspect here is that the identifying employee was not one of the highly compensated employees. No, they were simply doing their boring job in risk management and deemed it necessary to take a risk by telling their boss that there was a big problem.
    • Assessing the risks: Once the crisis has been identified, the next step is to assess the risks associated with it. In the movie, the risk management team calculates that the firm will face losses of over $8 billion if it doesn't take immediate action. The movie also illustrated the need to see the larger picture because the identified risk was not just with their firm but, like in today's, news the contagion could spread to other financial institutions. This information needed to be considered in order to make a good decision.
    • Communicating with stakeholders: Crisis management involves communicating with stakeholders, such as clients, shareholders, and employees, to keep them informed about the situation and any actions being taken by the organization. In the movie, the firm's executives hold a series of meetings with key stakeholders to explain the crisis and what they are doing to manage it.
    • Taking action: The most critical, and sometime scary, aspect of crisis management is taking action to mitigate the crisis. In "Margin Call," the firm's executives decide to sell off the toxic mortgage-backed securities portfolio to minimize the losses and stabilize the company's financial position. This was a fateful decision because it supercharged the contagion while offering the possibility of the saving the firm.
    • Learning from the crisis: Crisis management also involves learning from the crisis to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future. In this case, the risk management team discovers that the firm's risk models were flawed and did not adequately account for the risks associated with mortgage-backed securities.

    ​Overall, "Margin Call" underscores the importance of crisis management in preventing catastrophic financial losses and maintaining the trust of stakeholders. It highlights the need for quick and decisive action, effective communication, and ongoing efforts to improve risk management processes to prevent future crises.

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ACP connects and supports a diverse community of resilience and continuity professionals. 

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Raleigh, NC 27612

(919) 314-6565


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