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  • 9 Feb 2023 1:08 PM | Anonymous

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    Erika Andresen, CBCP, JD, MPA, is a recovering lawyer after nearly two decades of experience in both the corporate finance world and the military. Erika became a subject matter expert on national security and disaster preparedness and response while advising different commands on their authorities and during high-risk situations in Afghanistan. She also has extensive experience writing injects and acting as an observer/trainer/coach for large-scale military exercises. Her work with actual disasters led her to attain a Master of Public Affairs.

    Erika left active duty in 2020 and has since started EaaS Consulting, LLC, with the goal of keeping businesses in business. To that end, she authored How to Not Kill Your Business: Grow Your Business in Any Environment, Navigate Volatility, and Successfully Recover When Things Go Wrong, a conversational introduction to business continuity enjoyed by CBCP practitioners and business owners alike.  Erika is also a professor of emergency management for the MPA program at the University of Texas at El Paso.  She has been quoted in articles for Forbes, Dark Reading, and MoneyGeek on the issues of business continuity and disaster preparedness.


    My social media handles are on LI (personal and business)

    https://www.linkedin.com/in/erika-andresen/ [linkedin.com]

    https://www.linkedin.com/company/eaas-consulting-llc/ [linkedin.com]

    February 9th, 2023 1pm-2pm

    Register Here

  • 10 Jan 2023 3:05 PM | Avery Church (Administrator)

    I think no one group of professionals is more sensitive to the tacit agreement society has made with technology than ours. Tech plays a significant role in modern society and has had a profound impact on how people live, work, and communicate.

    Another of those impacts is how, or if, we become educated. 

    The Des Moines Public Schools canceled classes for Tuesday, January 10th due to a cyber security incident. Earlier on Monday, the district experienced an internet outage across its campuses due to unusual activity on the network and took the network offline as a preemptive measure.

    The impact: Many of the technology tools needed for both classroom learning and the management and operation of the school district are not available at this time.

    In our profession, these things are nightmare fuel, and we feel for the good folks of Des Moines.

    On any day, small problems can become big problems causing systemic failure. This occurs when a small problem is part of a larger system, and the failure of that small part leads to the failure of the entire system, highlighting the need for us to be involved in a number of projects and business areas.

    And systemic failures, though unavoidable at times, are the reason we continue to work diligently to craft plans and workarounds of the continued operation of our organizations.

  • 18 Nov 2022 9:42 AM | Anonymous

     Early Alert is a “team” of Emergency Managers, Meteorologist, Military Veterans and retired Fire Rescue and Law Enforcement, all boots on the ground supporting the private and public sectors who provide “Actionable” weather and all hazard threat intelligence alerting, driven by a “team” of subject matter experts (SME’s) and the Early Alert Global Watch Office, 24/7/365

    Early Alert’s meteorologist is a professional with more than 40 years of comprehensive experience in meteorology and oceanography, physical and life sciences, weather management and operations, emergency management, research, education and technical training. He retired from the U.S. Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command in 2010 as a naval officer following a distinguished 30-year military career. During his tenure he served in a variety of positions of increased responsibility and complexity throughout the world both ashore and afloat.


  • 10 Nov 2022 1:54 PM | Avery Church (Administrator)

    Recently Elon Musk completed the contentious purchase of the popular website Twitter. As with all corporate movements, this acquisition came with several issues and challenges. One such challenge was the firing of an estimated 50% of staff.

    This is prime case study for the continuity world.

    During this transition Twitter realized it needed to "unfire" several staff that managed and executed important projects. This was a much-discussed issue in the news was preventable.

    A quick consultation with the company's continuity planners and the associated plans would have been helpful assisting in this downsizing. One of the many items that we do and continuity professionals is identifying critical functions and the staff needed to perform them. 

    This event is a helpful reminder of the important work you all do. Each of the highly visible missteps that we read in the news is a reminder of how we play a part in the economy. 

  • 10 Nov 2022 11:20 AM | Anonymous

    Author: Marcus Vaughan

    The world isn’t in a recession just yet. Well…actually it depends on who you ask. There are a lot of different definitions floating around right now. But ask any economist for their take on the current financial climate and they’ll pretty much all tell you the same thing: the economy is slowing down worldwide.

    And as they begin to sound the alarm bells, CFOs everywhere are starting to reevaluate their budgets and scale down spending.

    While a budget reduction is obviously less than ideal for any organization, it doesn’t have to spell disaster for your resilience program. However, as a potential recession looms, it’s important to safeguard your budget in anticipation of belt-tightening.

    For many businesses, resilience is an established and emphasized cornerstone of the organization’s risk management. For others, the critical role resilience plays in crisis mitigation isn’t fully embraced.

    In either scenario, however, the resilience budget will come under scrutiny and potentially be cut down. As a resilience professional, ensuring that your executive team understands just how valuable a well-funded resilience program is to your organization, becomes mission critical.

    So how do you go about “recession-proofing” your resilience budget and saving it from corporate cutbacks?

    You show your executive team the importance of resilience through simulation.

    This is much easier said than done, however. With time becoming an increasingly valuable currency for your already overbooked executives, you might not have the time or budget to run your C-Suite through a traditional tabletop exercise. That’s why iluminr has curated three Microsimulations you can run to bring attention to the organizational levers deemed critical in a recession. These 20-minute scenarios are a quick and efficient way to demonstrate the efficacy and necessity of your resilience program to your executive staff. Let’s break them down, one by one.

    Microsimulation #1: Loss of a critical application – Customer Service

    Strategic Objectives

    · Mitigate unacceptable levels of customer churn

    · Mitigate unacceptable levels of revenue loss

    · Protect brand and reputation

    Resilience Program Objectives

    · Build awareness of critical system failures

    · Validate impacts on customer

    · Validate roles for response and recovery

    When times turn bad, every customer counts. In a recession, customers are the lifeblood of survival, with churn being treated as public enemy #1. This is a fitting Microsimulation to start off with because it tangibly shows how a sufficiently funded resilience program can prevent financial losses in the case of an unforeseen disruption.

    In this scenario, the problem is the loss of a critical application that directly impacts customer service. For an insurance company, this could be a claims system. For a bank or credit union, this could be the online banking or transaction service platforms. And for many organizations, it could be as simple as losing the CRM for an extended period.

    This Microsimulation will touch not only on the threat to an organization’s brand and reputation when a critical application fails but also outline the deep and lasting impact on the bottom line. Outlining the potential financial impacts of this scenario empowers Resilience Managers to build a highly credible business case for the criticality of building in resilience at both an operational and strategic level. This includes the need for crisis communication, recovery and contingency planning.

    Microsimulation #2: Life Safety

    Strategic Objective

    · Minimize harm to life in the workforce

    Resilience Program Objectives

    · Build awareness of life safety threats

    · Build capability in immediate response

    · Validate roles and responsibility

    Above revenue goals, profits and business growth is employee well-being. Without employees, there is no business. And no employee will work in an environment where they don’t feel safe. They need to know inherently that their physical, emotional, and mental security is looked after. And in the case of an office emergency (fire, flood, active shooter event, etc), preparedness is everything to ensure the safety of all employees.

    That’s what makes a life safety microsimulation so compelling. Financial officers can nitpick aspects of the budget, and try to justify that certain expenditures aren’t necessary. However, that conversation ceases when it comes to the safety of their employees. There are no corners that can be cut or pennies that can be pinched when it comes to preserving life.

    By engaging your executive team in a Microsimulation about a life safety event, you’re guaranteed to get attention, participation, and ultimately, budgetary consideration.

    Microsimulation #3: Competitor Brand Impact

    Strategic Objective

    · Create a strategic market competitive advantage

    Resilience Program objectives

    · Build awareness of the upside of resilience

    · Build capability for proactive market response

    · Validate roles and resources

    A common misconception about resilience is that it is used solely as a tool for crisis mitigation and response. Far too few people see a well-funded and managed resilience program as a means of gaining a competitive advantage. This Microsimulation explores the scenario of a major market competitor experiencing customer and employee churn through their own poorly executed crisis response.

    Instead of managing an internal crisis, the aim of this simulation is to take advantage of the failed resilience program of a competitor. When they falter and lose customers as a result, it’s an opportunity to capture their lost share of the market. To do so, you need to have a plan in place for this unique scenario. Money talks, and demonstrating to your executive team the potential of a financial boon as a result of a well-funded resilience program is an easy way to ensure funding.

    In Closing…

    With an economic downturn inevitable, executives everywhere will be looking for ways to trim the budget. The microsimulations listed above, as well as many others, are a cost-effective, and time-efficient way to demonstrate to your C-Suite that the resilience budget is a necessary expenditure. In fact, a well-funded resilience program can actively counter the recession and drive business growth. To learn more about microsimulations and include them in your resilience program, check out Resilience Fundamentals – a set of six Microsimulations designed to help leadership and response teams meet key program objectives such as validating roles, response protocols and plans.

  • 4 Nov 2022 3:49 PM | Anonymous

    Coming in January! This session covers the topic of governance in a way that can be easily applied to ACP chapter management. Governance is mostly about understanding organizational rules and requirements and acting in accordance with those rules at the appropriate time. Feedback from ACP chapter leaders identified governance training as a priority. All chapter leaders are encouraged to attend or review the recording of this session. After this session attendees will have reviewed:

    · The key governance documents of associations and how they are used in decision making
    · The primary duties of boards and why these types of rules are needed
    · Annual planning cycles and how the board can address
    · How to engage new volunteers in the governance process
    · Questions and discussions of how to handle governance challenges

    This session will be presented by Jim Booth, MSM, CAE. Jim is the former interim executive director of ACP and has served associations and nonprofits for 40 years. He is a Certified Association Executive and a strategic planning facilitator.

  • 3 Nov 2022 4:17 PM | Anonymous

    November Webinar:
    "Where is the Next Generation of Resilience Professionals?"

    Presented by Lisa Jones and Milena Mavena

    COVID-19 placed a spotlight on our industry and has grown a demand for resiliency professionals across all industries. Yet as organizations compete to find and retain qualified and experienced professionals, what are we doing within the industry to succession plan for the future? Have we become our own single point of failure? Lisa Jones and Milena Maneva, co-founders and managing partners of the Resilience Think Tank will share insights into the widening generation gaps in our profession and ways to find our leaders of tomorrow.

    November 9th at 12pm EDT

    Register Here: 

  • 28 Oct 2022 9:25 AM | Anonymous

  • 19 Oct 2022 11:18 AM | Anonymous

  • 10 Oct 2022 1:14 PM | Anonymous

    Deep Dive: Evolution in Resilience Management:
    A Review on Key Trends


     Resilience Management continues to evolve and this year our most recent report, the 13th Edition BCM Trends Report, highlights several program advancements. Not only has there been a continued shift in increasing the scope of Resilience Management capabilities and driving executive engagement. Now more than ever before, a majority of organizations have consolidated ownership of the Business Continuity program, along with other risk and resilience related disciplines, under Risk Management. Additionally, the data also indicates an increase in program investment strategies along with increasing personnel and outside support to assist in meeting program resiliency goals

    Join Cheyene Marling as she reviews the most noteworthy trends from the 2022 BCM Trends Report and how you can utilize the data findings to assess your own program strategies and goals.

    Cheyene is a global leader with over 20 years dedicated expertise specializing in the business continuity profession. She founded BC Management, Inc. in 2000, and she is responsible for overseeing staffing strategies and data research analytics for clients globally in addition to providing career assessments and coaching expertise. She previously served on the board for the Association of Continuity Professionals (ACP) of Los Angeles and Orange County in addition to the National Board for the ACP. Currently, she is an active professional on the Editorial Advisory Board for Continuity Insights and the DRJ Mentor Advisory Board. Cheyene was also the recipient of the inaugural ACP Hall of Fame award in 2006 and in 2010 she was awarded an Honorary MBCI by the Business Continuity Institute (BCI).


    Thursday, October 13th
    12pm EDT

    Register now! [acp-international.us12.list-manage.com]

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