Los Angeles |
The Association of Continuity Professionals is a professional organization that provides a forum for networking and sharing of information for business continuity, emergency management and disaster recovery practitioners throughout a network of local chapters. The Los Angeles Chapter primarily serves the Los Angeles County area, but all are invited to attend meetings regardless of geographic location. Please join us!
We Want To Hear From You!
Please contact us via email. We welcome all inquiries and are glad to provide information about the LA chapter, meeting sponsorship opportunities, membership benefits, and more.
![]() President David Goldenberg |
Chris Joffe |
Jeff Edelstein |
Daniel Gentry |
Lindsay Call | Information Director Lindsey Derouen |
12/10/2024 - LA City Emergency Operations Center Tour REGISTER NOW!
10:30am - 11:30am
ACP Los Angeles will host a tour of the City of Los Angeles Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The EOC is the focal point for coordination of LA City's emergency planning, training, response and recovery. The EOC is state-of-the-art, featuring extensive seismic safety measures and interoperability design points. The tour will include the EOC floor, LA Police Department Operations Center, LA Fire Department Operations Center and Dispatch Center.
REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT CLOSES ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5TH AT 5PM. Special directions regarding parking will be sent to registered persons registered no later than Monday, December 9th.
Invite Your Colleagues! This in-person event is FREE to ACP members and invited guests who are a part of the business continuity, emergency management, or security/safety field. This is a PRIVATE event only open to professionals in the business continuity and related fields who receive the link for this event page.
Lunch: Participants may stay for a holiday lunch immediately afterwards from 11:30am - 1:00pm. Location is currently being finalized. The cost of lunch will be covered for all ACP members. $20.00 will be collected from guests of ACP member at registration.
Parking: Free parking will be provided at the MSD Parking Structure next door. Parking passes will be emailed directly to registrants.
REGISTER NOW! Limited spots available!
**Check our Eventbrite for registrations!**
9/17/24: USC Tour - Insights into Campus Emergency Response
For our National Preparedness Month meeting in September 2024, ACP membership will be attending a behind-the-scenes tour of the University of Southern California. USC is a city within a city and operates 24/7 on two campuses in the greater Los Angeles area and multiple facilities located throughout California. Join us as we discuss best practices for Institutions of Higher Education including day to day emergency operations, preparedness, training, exercises, large-scale events action planning, and continuity of operations.
6/11/24: Southern California Edison on Business Resiliency
ACP LA's July 2024 meeting will feature representatives from Southern California Edison, one of the nation's largest electric utilities who has delivered electricity to Southern and Central California for over 135 years. SCE will share information about their own response capabilities during wildfire events and other emergency events. They will also share information on business preparedness and innovative ways to build a disaster-resilient business through energy solutions.
3/12/24: StormGeo Weather Intelligence
ACP's March 2024 meeting will feature StormGeo, a global private weather service that provides weather risk intelligence to help companies protect their assets. This innovative company provides services to many business industries, including shipping, healthcare, oil & gas, energy, and more. While the world faces extreme weather and the effects of climate change, StormGeo assists companies adapt to changing conditions, augmenting sustainability through digitalization.
10/10/2023: Chapter Event - SoFi Stadium Tour
For our October 2023 meeting, ACP membership will be attending a behind-the-scenes tour of SoFi Stadium. During the tour, the ACP Board hopes to learn what continuity and preparedness planning and coordination goes into making these events successful and safe. After the tour, an optional, "no host" lunch will be held at Cork & Batter across the street from the stadium.
This in-person event is FREE to ACP members and one ACP guest who is part of the business continuity, emergency management, or security/safety field.
6/13/2023: Chapter Event with special guest Soraya Sutherlin, MPA, CEM.
Soraya Sutherlin will present "Alert & Warning: A Look from the Inside" examining why communications during a crisis can be the biggest success or failure of your response or organization.
Effective communications during a crisis is critical to the success or failure of emergency and crisis response. Communication is key during both external threat events and internal crises. Everything from employee safety and well-being to while maintaining trust and confidence in the company. It is also vital to preserve brand management, ambassadorship and an organization's reputation.
A proactive approach to crisis communications, including establishing clear guidelines and protocols in advance and training team members to be prepared to respond, are crucial to avoiding PR nightmares. Soraya will look at communicating with employees using multiple communication channels during crisis events. She will also look at establishing a Crisis Communications Plan to outline steps to be taken in an emergency and the roles and responsibilities of organization team members.
3/14/2023: Chapter Event with special guest Joshua Bashioum from Early Warning Labs (EWL)
Joshua will walk us through a brief history of Earthquake Early Warning in the US, how it works, and who is using it to save lives.
While we all have unique challenges in preparing for disasters the role of Emergency Preparedness in a cultural property such as a museum has the added responsibility of our shared cultural heritage. Les Borsay will discuss how his role at the J. Paul Getty Trust focuses not only on the safety of visitors and staff, but also paintings, sculptures, antiquities, photographs etc. Click here to view the recording!
During this engaging conversation Monitoring Earthquakes in SoCal , Margaret will lead us through: The earthquake threat/risk in SoCal; History (then and now) with the 100th anniversary of the Caltech Seismology Lab; Earthquake tools for quick response decisions; Earthquake early warning implementation case studies; Keeping staff safe at work and home resources. View the recording here!
Universities are cities within cities with large populations of students, staff and faculty. As a residential university, University of Southern California (USC) houses over 12,000 students and has extensive research and patient care operations at multiple campus locations in Southern California and across the globe. At its April 5th meeting, the Association of Continuity Professionals Los Angeles will host special presenters Narine Amroyan and Steven Goldfarb who will be sharing how USC ensures continuity of operations including the planning process, use of technology for business continuity planning (BCP), testing and response. View the recording here
An engaging roundtable with Alicia Stevens, an accomplished staffing professional and member of the National Board for the Association of Contingency Planners, on how to effectively recruit stand-out candidates in the Business Continuity field. If you're looking to hire professionals who can take your organization's business continuity or disaster preparedness program to the next level, this is the event for you! View the slide deck here. View the recording here.
The 2021 Holiday Event featured, Garrett Pollard, Senior Disaster Recovery Sales Specialist with Amazon Web Services. Garrett has spent nearly a decade supporting organizations to develop and implement disaster recovery strategies to build resilience and business continuity in information technology sectors.
An engaging roundtable with Alicia Stevens, the Director of Program Development and Membership for the ACP Orange County Chapter, on how to build a stand-out resume, what BC job recruiters are looking for, how to best manage your Linkedin profile, and so much more! Alicia is an accomplished staffing professional with over 20 years of combined HR and Staffing experience in the public and private sectors. Alicia is responsible for implementing strategies that enable BC Management to recruit a high performing and motivated workforce for her clients. Alicia specializes in talent management, staffing, executive search, employment development, compensation analysis and coaching and career development. Bottom line: if you want to know what recruiters and managers are looking for, you want to know what Alicia's thinking! View the recording HERE. View the presentation HERE.
At a special August 19th meeting, the Association of Continuity Professionals will host a discussion for ACP members only on COVID-19 trends and experiences in the field of business continuity and emergency management.
Business continuity, security and emergency management professionals can benefit from a knowledge and understanding of the causes, warning signs and behavioral dynamics of groups, crowds and mobs that are associated with violent and destructive behavior. Such an understanding better prepares professionals for the new challenges associated with the use of social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and globalization as they relate to the development of civil unrest and the potential of dangerous and violent collective behavior. This updated 60-minute program provides timely, actionable information to better protect their organizations’ personnel and assets in response to potential group, crowd or mob situations. Here is a link to the current issue of Crowd magazine, a UK-based international publication. Steve's article re: armed protests begins on page 44. Click here to access the recording. Click here to access the slide deck
Led by Mark Amour - Business Continuity is far more difficult than we are ever prepared for. When we first enter the profession this appears to be the case but then we are given a clear roadmap with the assurance that, if we stick to prescribed path, we will achieve our objective of properly preparing our organizations to respond and recover effectively should a disaster occur. The truth is the task of organizational preparedness is far more multidimensional than the linear approach associated with our profession’s standards. And it requires far more of the practitioner – in terms of skills, experience and expertise – than simply learning a methodology. In this session learn just how different the Adaptive approach is to traditional business continuity and why it requires that you get out of your comfort zone in order to practice it effectively. Click here to access the recording! (PW: iU^1cpfk)