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North Texas Chapter


The chapter has many available opportunities for you as a chapter member to use your talents and experience and keep our program growing strong!

SignUpGenius - List of Chapter Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you to those who have already volunteered in the past! 

2025 Continuity Insights ACP Booth Sign-up Link

Thought Leadership - Think Tank

The North Texas Chapter hosts an online Think Tank facilitated by and made up of members from our local chapter.  Topics for the discussion are chosen by the participants and generally meet for 3 months.  Any active chapter member is invited to participate and join the discussion.  View the SignUpGenius - List of Volunteer Opportunities to participate.


ACP National Program

You’re the Reason! Update your ACP profile. 

ACP has created a formal ACP Mentorship Program. In your current ACP profile, indicate your desire to be a mentor and/or mentee by selecting “Be a mentor” or “Be a mentee” in the Special Group Interest section. ACP wants to continue our partnership with you in starting a valuable and sustainable Mentorship Program. Here’s how you can help us do that. At your earliest convenience, please go to the ACP International website and renew your interest in the Mentorship Program by updating your profile:

      • Your Information: Provide the most current contact information.
      • Please share with us: Special Group Interest, select “Be a mentor” or “Be a mentee.”
      • Demographics Section: Provide Industry Segment and Areas of Expertise information.

We know you probably have lots of questions about participating in this great program. So be on the lookout for more information coming from ACP soon!!

North Texas Chapter Program

If you are interested in participating in the North Texas Chapter Mentorship program, as either a mentor or mentee, please contact us for more information.

  About Us

ACP connects and supports a diverse community of resilience and continuity professionals. 

Contact Us

3739 National Drive, Suite 202

Raleigh, NC 27612

(919) 314-6565


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